Uspjeh na maturi iz obveznih predmeta Hrvatski jezik i Engleski jezik (ili drugi strani jezik) velikim dijelom ovisi o umijeću pisanja školskoga eseja. A ta se vještina razvija postupno i nije nešto što se da svladati tjedan dana prije mature ili ubrzano na nekom tečaju koji ćete platiti. Povezano je to s onim finim pomacima koji dolaze s vremenom, s emocionalnim i intelektualnim sazrijevanjem, ali i druženjem s riječima, tj. čitateljskim navikama, te usmjeravanim usmenim i pisanim izražavanjem. Ako vas nastavnik tlači domaćim zadaćama u obliku školskih eseja, prigrlite te zadatke kao najbolje ulaganje u budućnost.

Poseban je izazov pisanje raspravljačkoga eseja. Kako strukturirati esej, kojim se tekstnim povezivačima poslužiti, kako argumentirati i citirati – naučite iz kvalitetnih učeničkih radova koje možete pronaći u FRANzineu. Objavljujemo prve uzorne eseje pisane engleskim jezikom koje nam je ustupio profesor Miodrag Maričić.

American Literature should be taught as regular class for at least one semester

            As part of literature class, every year there’s many important novels and works that get discussed. Those are usually the ones that made impact on the whole literature world as we know it. Because of America’s short history in literature, many famous American novels get left out from regular class. This raises the question whether there should be a separate subject dedicated for American literature.

Many professors support the idea of having and American Literature class in their schools and for many reasons. Firstly, the way American authors influenced modern literature with their novels and new styles of writing which can be seen in the late new European work. Secondly, American literature has a lot of unique methods and styles previously unknown to writers around the world. Those are the two biggest reasons to why some people think it should be a new subject, so that students learn about those things.

Because of America’s much shorter writing history in relation to the European one, having a whole class dedicated to it for at least one semester is just enough time. Having said class once or twice a week leaves enough space for students to go over most famous American authors and their works many of which, because of their writing style, can seem new and exciting to a student. All in all, having students learn about such an important part of literature  in the said amount of time would ultimately prove to be interesting and most likely beneficial.

Besides influencing many modern writers around the world, American literature has shown to influence many cultures, social groups, minorities and events. Because of racism and discrimination being an issue in America, many writers discussed those topics in their works for which they got a lot of recognition. Whether it was fighting for human rights or presenting a new lifestyle for younger generations, American novelists and other writers have definitely left a big mark in world’s literature.

In conclusion, because American authors left such a big impact on both the writing world and social justice movement, it’s without a doubt to say it’s important to learn from them in schools. As said already, having another class for at least one semester which focuses on American literature would be beneficial to the students. Learning about it through reading and exploring which often cannot be done in regular class schedule because of time restraint would make future generations appreciate such an important part of world’s literature.

Antun Hemetek, 3. d

American Literature shouldn’t be taught as a regular class at all

American literature is not to be taught to students in Croatia. Croatian students don’t have any interests related to American literature. Even if they did, it has virtually no importance in today’s world. America probably won’t be so important in the future, and neither will its literature.

Firstly, students nowadays aren’t interested in American literature. American students don’t care about it, let alone Croatian students. Also, there are far more interesting things to learn about that will benefit students more, and there is only so much time.

Secondly, it isn’t all that important either. Most problems discussed in American literature are long gone. One could even argue that rights activists in today’s world look up to those writers and make problems where there aren’t any.

Lastly, even if American literature was important, it wouldn’t be for a long time. With Donald Trump’s presidency will probably come the doom of the USA. And if a country isn’t important, its literature isn’t important. After all, nobody talks about the Armenian literature.

American literature is not to be taught to students in Croatia. Croatian students don’t have any interests related to American literature. Even if they did, it has virtually no importance in today’s world. America probably won’t be so important in the future, and neither will its literature.

Tin Prvčić, 3. d

Hrvatske eseje naći ćete u našem magazinu uz pomoć tražilice, čak i jedan koji je dobio najvišu ocjenu – esej Monike Ranilović. Pozivamo bivše maturante neka nam pošalju svoje eseje koji su dobili visoke ocjene na maturi. Objavit ćemo ih pod imenom koje odaberu. 🙂