Since  ancient times, we’ve been exploring our surroundings and making our definition of it. We’ve built our knowledge and culture on our experience of everything around us. All the things humanity has achieved are a product of our exploration. Although, we can only know what we comprehend, and not  reality. Everything we know and pass on is known with the use of language and, since our perspective is not a clear view of reality, we can’t understand the real meaning of something. On the one hand, our knowledge enables us to understand, but on the other hand, it limits us as much.

We can’t prove the existence of anything. For example, we can say that communication takes place in various forms where  information is given one-way or two-way. However, we can’t prove that communication is present at the moment. Although, we also can’t prove the in-existence of communication since, if it exists, it must come from something or is eternal. If it were eternal, it would not have limitations and it couldn’t be real. Furthermore, we use communication every day in different ways (language, mimic, etc.), so we can arguably say it comes from us, but still can’t prove its existence.

Yet, if communication does exist, we still can’t know it. We can’t be sure that it is a part of reality. It is just our thought of communication existing and it depends on how we view everything around us. Furthermore, if existence or reality and our thought were the same, everything we would think would be real, which can’t be true. Therefore, our mind and our thoughts are distant from reality. Additionally, if everything we think of is not real, the existent can’t be thought of. So, if communication is just the product of our thinking, we cannot know if it is real and, because of that, it cannot exist.

Still, if we do know it exists, we can’t communicate it to anybody. The main reason for that is that everything we comprehend is subjective to how we perceive it with our senses. We can’t pass on a message to someone which contains only what is real and in its real and objective form, without our words and our view of it. For instance, if we wanted to tell someone what communication is, we can only get them to know what our subjective view or definition of it is. Also, since we vary in knowledge, language, and culture, sometimes it’s impossible to pass something on and expect the most to understand it.

People have always been questioning the existence of everything. We’ve been giving meaning to everything around us since our first sight of our environment. Nevertheless, we can never be sure that everything we perceive is as it is perceived because our mind is connected to our surroundings through our senses. With the help of those senses, we give subjective meanings to everything and, even if we are right, we can’t know it or pass it on to someone. As much as our knowledge and experience give us the ability to expand our perspective of reality and existence, it also confines us to our subjective thought.

Luka Đaković, 3.c
