

Tišina je veter,
Vodeni slap,
Listje na brezi,
Kišna kap,
Šoder na stezi,
Golub pod strehom,
Cirkveni zvon,
Kušlec z nasmehom,
Škripanje snega,
Koraka bat,
Klopotec vrh brega,
Zimski dah,
Razlejana mesečina,
V srcu strah…

Silence is wind,
A waterfall,
Leaves of the birch,
A raindrop,
A gravel path,
A pigeon under roof,
Ringing of church bells,
A  kiss with a smile,
The crunch of snow,
The thumping of steps,
A rattle mill on top of a hill,
A winter’s breath,
Spilled moonlight,
Fear in the heart…

Tišina sama
Govori bez reči,
Tišina je se
Kaj ni glas čovečji,
Najlepši stihi z tišine,
V tišini
Moreju teči.

(A. Horvat, 2018)

Silence alone
speaks without a word,
Silence is everything
not the voice of a man,
The most beautiful verses of silence,
In silence
must flow.

Horvat, 2018, translated by: Ivan Janeković, 3. D, Summer, 2021



Ringišpil sveta

Carousel of the world

Žmirečki sem se vrtel
Na ringišpilu sveta,
Potrošilo se vreme,
V njemu krugi,
V njemu moja leta.

I was spinning with my eyes closed
On the carousel of the world,
The time was used up,
Within my circles,
Within my years.

Samo jedno vreme imam
Koje neče, nemre  stati.
Moji krugi živlenja,
Moji nepovrati,
Na ringišpilu sveta,
Kružiju jen za drugim
Čez moja zrela leta.

I only have one time
Which won’t and can’t stop.
My existence circles,
My irreversible circuits,
On the carousel of the world,
One after the other spin
My former years sprawl.

Vreme zipku menja
V sanduk drveni,
Vrti se z menom,
I vrti se v meni.
Se zmislim deteta
Na ringišpilu sveta.

(A. Horvat, 2019)


Time changes the cradle
Into the coffin wooden,
It spins with me,
It spins within me.
With my eyes closed
I recall the child
On the carousel of the world.

A. Horvat, 2019, translated by: Iva Betlehem, class 2.d, Summer 2021


